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Growth Focus

The Top 5 Legal Issues when buying or Selling a Financial Service Practice

This eBook covers 5 critical legal issues that all sellers and buyers of financial practices should understand to achieve the outcome they are seeking.

A well negotiated sale can come badly unstuck if poor legal information, advice or representation is relied upon. Understanding the legal elements and concepts that are common in practice sales will give the parties the advantage during the contract and sale stage, ensure sellers and buyers are on the same page, and protect parties post sale.

The eBook has been written to help Sellers and Buyers :

  • be protected from unscrupulous other parties
  • be aware of commonly misunderstood contract terms such as those dealing with clawback and retention, warranties and termination
  • avoid common mistakes made by Sellers and Buyers
  • understand the risks of not drafting robust contracts
  • be clear on what warranties actually mean and the implications; and
  • receive the best price possible

We also include 3 case studies of common legal disputes that occur as a result of poorly constructed agreements, for the purposes of looking at how these mistakes were made and how to avoid them.


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