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Growth Focus

Succession Planning Webinar

Free Succession Planning Webinar

Planning succession in your business is not a process anyone takes lightly. Having built it from the ground-up, only you truly understand the effort that has gone into making it a success.

We’re delighted to present an interactive early morning workshop that will challenge you to look at your business valuation in a different light and to think outside the square in terms of developing a succession or exit plan that’s right for your business. If you’re not quite sure where or how to startyou’re not alone.

Growth Focus invites you to attend this unique workshop which takes an holistic approach to the succession and exit planning process.

We will explore what your business needs to consider to build, plan and execute a workable succession strategy. Offering you practical, valuable advice on the organisational, legal and financial issues you’ll need to consider. With a wealth of experience our facilitators Steven Fine – Director (Growth Focus) and Stephen Shepherd – Director (AltusQ), will guide you through issues below

Next Webinar 29th November



How to Increase Business Value

Besides `"Profit" What else can I do to drive up my asset value ?


Partnerships and the issues of Income, Equity & Control?

Getting Started

How to get an Exit Strategy and Plan started?

How to value your business?

How to look beyond the obvious when you think of succession/exit options?

Show-stoppers and mistakes to avoid ?

Progress moves us forward without marginalizing efforts to disrupt responsibility toward a potential the compromising.

Why and Who ?

What / Why am I selling?, Who do I sell to?

Register Here

Who Should Attend ?



This workshop is ideal for owners and operators of Accounting and Financial Planning practices who are contemplating their succession or exit plan.

AltusQ is an international firm of expert business coaches who help business owners develop strategy, improve profit and asset value, build teams and achieve their vision.

Growth Focus helps Accounting and Financial Planning businesses achieve their acquisition, growth and exit goals through Business Broking, Consulting, Succession Planning, Acquisitions and Growth Solutions.



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